Opus R-226 Stop List
16'Bourdon 56 pipes
8'Open Diapason56 pipes
8'Dulciana56 pipes
8'Viol da Gamba 56 pipes
8'Melodia 56 pipes
4'Octave56 pipes
4'Flute Harmonique 56 pipes
223'Twelfth56 pipes
2'Fifteenth 56 pipes
IVMixture 224 pipes
8'Trumpet 56 pipes
8'Open Diapason56 pipes
8'Keraulophon56 pipes
8'Stop Diapason56 pipes
4'Violina56 pipes
4'Flute Harmonique56 pipes
2'Picolo56 pipes
8'Clarinet44 pipes
8' Oboe 44 pipes
8'Bassoon12 pipes
16'Open Diapason25 pipes
16'Bourdon 25 pipes
8'Violoncello25 pipes
  • Swell to Great
  • Swell to Pedale
  • Great to Pedale
  • Great to Pedale Rev.
  • Tremulant on Swell
  • Bellows Signal
  • Great Forte
  • Great Piano
  • Swell Forte
  • Swell Piano
Opus R-226
South Parish Congregational Church
E. & G. G. Hook, Op. 389, 1866
Augusta, Maine
Andover Organ Company Opus R-226

The building and organ of South Congregational Church were both completed in 1866, the former building and organ having burned. J.H. Wilcox, later a prominent builder in his own right, regulated and tuned the organ as a Hook employee, and played the dedication recital on June 22, 1866.

The organ remained unchanged until the turn of the century when H.C. Harrison of Portland, Maine removed the Great 2 2/3' Twelfth in favor of the Swell Clarinet and placed a Salicional and Aeoline in the Oboe/Bassoon and Violina spot respectively. A Voix Celeste was installed in the former Clarinet spot. The Great upper work was softened.

The Andover Organ Company restored the instrument in 1982 and restored the Clarinet to the Swell, Installed a 2 23' Twelfth from E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings Opus 831 on the Great; removed the Salicional, Aeoline and Voix Celeste from the Swell and installed a Violina from E. & G. G. Hook, Opus 470 and an Oboe/Bassoon from E. & G. G. Hook Opus 371. All original voicing was carefully restored as was the action and windchests. The organ was returned to its original pitch. The work was under the direction of Robert C. Newton, Vice President of the Old Organ Department.