Opus 116 Stop List
8’Open Diapason58 Pipes
8’Chimney Flute58 Pipes
4’Principal58 Pipes
4’Flute58 Pipes
223'Twelfth58 Pipes
2’ Fifteenth58 Pipes
IIMixture116 Pipes
8’Trumpet58 Pipes
8’Stopped Diapason58 Pipes
8’Viola46 Pipes
8’Celeste46 Pipes
4’Silver Flute58 Pipes
223'Nazard58 Pipes
2’Principal58 Pipes
135'Tierce58 Pipes
8’Hautboy58 Pipes
16’Subbass32 Pipes
8’Flutebass12 Pipes
16’Trombone32 Pipes
  • Swell to Great
  • Great to Pedal
  • Swell to Pedal
Opus 116
Hesston Mennonite Church
Hesston, Kansas
Andover Organ Company Opus 116Andover Organ Company Opus 116

Andover Organ Company has installed our Opus 116 in Hesston Mennonite Church, Hesston, Kansas.

In November 2007 Team Leader Ben Mague, along with David Zarges, David Michaud and Tony Miscio, flew to Kansas to meet the North American Van Lines truck carrying Opus 116. Unloading was a snap with help from students of Hesston College. The mechanical installation was completed in three weeks. Tonal Director John Morlock and voicer Don Glover completed the tonal work in February 2008.

The Church is located on the Hesston College campus and serves as a worship center and concert hall for the college. The organ will be used as a teaching instrument as well as a service instrument. It is interesting to note that the hymns are sung four part a capella so the organ is used primarily for preludes, postludes and accompanying anthems.

The case, designed by Donald H. Olson, is of solid red oak, stained to match the interior woodwork of the church. The front panels exactly duplicate the paneling of the sanctuary. The front pipes of the 8’ Open Diapason are polished copper. The pipe shades, designed and carved by Tony Miscio, are of cherry to match the contrasting wood of the console. The console has a third, coupling manual to give the two manual organ three levels of sound, adding flexibility, especially on a teaching instrument. The keyboards have bone naturals and ebony sharps. The key action is mechanical and the stop action is electric solenoids with a multi-level combination action by Solid State Organ Systems.

The new sanctuary is spacious with a seating capacity of just over 600. The weekend dedication celebration began on Friday, March 1, 2008 with an Alumni dinner honoring the College’s financial supporters. After dinner, we adjourned to the sanctuary where Hesston College Professor John Sharp gave a short talk on the history of music in the Mennonite Church entitled, “The Devil’s Bagpipe or God’s Voice: The Organ In Historical Context.” College Organist Kenneth Rodgers then gave us a virtual tour of the organ in a pre-taped video showing and explaining the working of the organ from the inside out (available on youtube under Hesston College). A short concert followed with student organists Naomi Tice and Oliver Kropf assisted by Stephanie Wyse, alto. Professor Rodgers then concluded the program with works by Locklair and Walther. On Sunday morning the organ was formally dedicated at the 10:00 AM worship service. On Sunday evening the formal recital was played by Ken Rodgers with the combined Hesston College and Hesston Mennonite Church Choirs and the Hesston College Brass Ensemble. Professor Rodgers played works by Bruhns, Boehm, Mendelssohn, Vaughan Williams, Mäteling and Michel. Mary Ann Boschmann was Chair of the Organ Committee.